


Senate Executive Committee – Bylaws I.II § 9 (6)

Senate Executive Committee – Bylaws I.II § 9 (6):

Redbook Section in Question:

Redbook Constitution or Bylaws?: Bylaws

Redbook Article: I.II

Section: 9

Clause: 6

Requestor Information:

Name: Benvin Lozada

Position/Affiliation: Vice President of University Relations

Chair Email: u0676207@utah.edu



Question (Be as specific as possible):

The ASUU Bylaws, Policies and Procedures Article I.II, Section 9, Subsection 6: Committee Powers and Duties, Sub-Sub-Sections 1, 3, and 4, read the powers of the Senate Executive Committee as follows: “6.1. To set the agendas for all Senate meetings. 6.3. To review all legislation submitted to the Senate to assure its compliance with the Constitution, Bylaws, University Policies, Procedures, and state and federal laws. 6.4. The Executive Committee may: 6.4.1. Not fail proposed legislation unless acting as the Summer Senate, in accordance with these Bylaws.” Is it a violation of Redbook for the Senate Executive Committee to effectively fail legislation through refusing to place the legislation on the agenda? In particular relevance to this situation, this decision was made in the last Executive Committee meeting of the year, meaning that there was no further meeting to consider the legislation in and the legislation would never be seen as a result of the Executive Committee’s decision.

For ASUU Office Use Only:

Attorney General:

Tracey Mai

Text Section in Question:

“6.4. The Executive Committee may: 6.4.1. Not fail proposed legislation unless acting as the Summer Senate, in accordance with these Bylaws.”


It is a violation a Redbook for the (Fall or Spring) Senate Executive Committee to fail proposed legislation, Proposed legislation cannot be failed by the Executive Committee unless they are acting as Summer Senate.