


Ex-Officio Attendance – Bylaws I.II § 1 (2)

Ex-Officio Attendance – Bylaws I.II § 1 (2):

Redbook Section in Question:

Redbook Constitution or Bylaws?: Bylaws

Article: I.II

Section: 1

Clause: 2

Requestor Information:

Name: Jack O’Leary

Position/Affiliation: Chief of Staff/Presidency

Chair Email: joleary@asuu.utah.edu



Question (Be as specific as possible):

Per Senate Bylaws it states that “the Vice President of University Relations, the Director of Academic Affairs, the Director of Finance, the Director of Diversity, and Attorney General will serve as ex-officio members of the Senate.” For the Director of Academic Affairs, the Director of Finance, and the Director of Diversity, while mentioned in the bylaws, said bylaws do not mandate attendance to Senate meetings (Ex-officios are not included in quorum) nor is serving as an ex-officio to the Senate mandated in the duties of these directors under Article 2.2 – Appointed Officers of the Executive Cabinet. As attendance is
not specified nor is it an enumerated duty, is attendance of the Director of Academic Affairs, the Director of Finance, and the Director of Diversity an obligation or an ability? Moreover, if it is an obligation, is it a violation of Article 2.2 if said directors do not attend Senate meetings as it is not listed as a duty under their respective sections of Article 2.2?
Furthermore, would this ruling also apply to the Assembly where the bylaws are the same regarding these directors?

For ASUU Office Use Only:

Attorney General:

Tracey Mai

Text Section in Question:

“The Vice President of University Relations, the Director of Academic Affairs, the Director of Finance, the Director of Diversity, and Attorney General will serve as ex-officio members of the Senate.”


As stated in Article I.I, Section 1, “The Vice President of Student Relations, the Director of Campus Relations, the Director of Finance, and the Attorney General will serve as ex-officio members of the Assembly” and Article I.II, Section 1, “The Vice President of University Relations, the Director of Academic Affairs, the Director of Finance, and Attorney General will serve as ex-officio members of the Senate”.

These ex-officio members must be at attendance at the respective Senate and/or Assembly meetings that are outlined in Redbook. Although, ex-officio are not counted towards quorum, their insight, expertise, and knowledge attained from their positions is incredibly valuable for both Senate and/or Assembly meetings.

It is a violation of Redbook if the listed ex-officio members do not attend the meetings, even if those duties/responsibilities are not listed under the respective sections of Article 2.2. as it is listed in other sections of Redbook. These rules apply to both Assembly and Senate.