


Campus Traditions Committee Chair – Bylaws II.II § 3 (5.2.1)

Campus Traditions Committee Chair – Bylaws II.II § 3 (5.2.1):

Redbook Section in Question:

Redbook Constitution or Bylaws?: Bylaws

Article: II.II

Section: 3

Clause: 5.2.1

Requestor Information:

Name: Parker Groneman

Position/Affiliation: CEB Special Events Chair

Email: pgroneman@asuu.utah.edu



Question (Be as specific as possible):

Can the Campus Traditions Committee Chair approve events proposed by the Campus Traditions Committee?

For ASUU Office Use Only:

Attorney General:

Seodam Kwak

Text Section in Question:

[Under Duties of the Campus Traditions Committee] “To plan and support a wide variety of events that may include speaking engagements, films, traditions, or other miscellaneous events as determined by the President, the Director of the Campus Events Board, or the Campus Traditions Committee Chair in order to benefit the University’s students and campus community.”


The text in Bylaws II.II § 3 (5.2.1) explicitly states, “To plan and support a wide variety of events…as determined by the…Campus Traditions Committee Chair…” The following lines of this clause shall be interpreted and be taken as verbatim et literatim. Additionally, the word “or” between the “…Director of the Campus Events Board, or the Campus Traditions Committee Chair…” suggests that the power to approve proposed events is bestowed individually. Therefore, the Redbook text grants the Campus Traditions Committee Chair the power to approve proposed events pertaining to the Campus Traditions Committee. However, any event approved by the Campus Traditions Committee requires additional approval of a vote by the Campus Events Board Advisory Committee (Bylaws II.II § 3 (6.6.2)). Furthermore, any monetary expenditures affiliated with the proposed events must comply with the accounting policies and procedures outlined by Redbook (Bylaws IV § 11).