


Senate Resolution Amendments – Bylaws I.II § 13 (6)

Senate Resolution Amendments – Bylaws I.II § 13 (6):

Redbook Section in Question:

Redbook Constitution or Bylaws?: Bylaws

Article: I.II

Section: 13

Clause: 6

Requestor Information:

Name: Emma Hicks

Position/Affiliation: Assembly Representative of College of Social Work

Email: ehicks@asuu.utah.edu



Question (Be as specific as possible):

If a joint resolution is being changed to a Senate resolution and there are more than 10 words/grammatical changes being made, should it still be voted on again as a Senate resolution?

For ASUU Office Use Only:

Attorney General:

Seodam Kwak

Text Section in Question:

[Under Senate Rules] “All amendments to bills or resolutions that exceed ten (10) words must be submitted in writing before they can be considered by the Senate.”


As the Redbook explicitly defines that amendments more than 10 words must be submitted in writing (Bylaws I.II § 13 (6)), this word limit must be adhered to stringently. This shall extend to the case if there are more than 10 word/grammatical changes made between the joint resolution and the proposed Senate resolution. The subsequent, modified Senate resolution will have to be voted by the members of the Senate and additionally comply with the legislative process outlined by the procedure section in the Senate Bylaws Legislative Flow and Form (Bylaws I.II § 16 (2)). Furthermore, the Redbook bestows the Senate Executive Committee to amend, table, or make recommendations on proposed legislation that is “…not in compliance with the Constitution and Bylaws…” (Bylaws I.II § 9 (6.4.2), Bylaws I.II § 9 (6.4.3), Bylaws I.II § 9 (6.4.4)). However, the Redbook fails to mention that the Senate Executive Committee has the power to amend modifications over 10 words to a legislation without a Senate vote. Therefore, it is determined that the Senate Executive Committee does not have the power to amend the (>10 word) changes without the vote of the Senate.