


Senate Vice Chair Duties with Absent Senate Chair – Bylaws I.II § 5 (1.1)

Senate Vice Chair Duties with Absent Senate Chair – Bylaws I.II § 5 (1.1):

Redbook Section in Question:

Redbook Constitution or Bylaws?: Bylaws

Redbook Article: I.II

Section: 5

Clause: 1.1

Requestor Information:

Name: Jack O’Leary

Position/Affiliation: ASUU Student Body President

Chair Email: joleary@asuu.utah.edu



Question (Be as specific as possible):

What does “absent” mean for the vice chair to take over the duties of the chair? The current chair has been out of the state and non communicated via text or email for two months and for the vice chair to take charge we need to know what qualifies as absent?

For ASUU Office Use Only:

Attorney General:

Angelina Ho

Text Section in Question:

Under Senate Vice-Chair Powers and Duties, “To act as Chair of the Senate in the absence of the Chair.”


If the Senate Chair is not able to be present at Senate meetings or to fulfill their duties, the Senate Vice-Chair will act as chair and therefore assume all duties of the Senate Chair. This does not mean that the Senate Vice-Chair will become the Senate Chair, but rather that the Senate Vice-Chair will take over the responsibilities of the Senate Chair during their absence. In
the case that the Senate Chair position becomes vacant then the Senate Vice-Chair will continue to act as Senate Chair until a meeting is held to elect the next Senate Chair, in which a
Senate Chair election will take place in accordance with the Redbook Bylaws Article I.II.