


Mandatory Diversity Training

Mandatory Diversity Training:

Redbook Section in Question:

Requestor Information:



Question (Be as specific as possible):

Are paid ASUU members required to attend diversity trainings?

For ASUU Office Use Only:

Attorney General:

Tracey Mai

Text Section in Question:


For further clarification, Redbook does require that the Director of Diversity host at least two Diversity and Inclusion Excellence Training for all compensated officers of the ASUU Government. As previous AG interpretations vary from year to year, my interpretation for this academic school year is that ALL compensated members of ASUU Government must attend the DEI training.

With that being said, I would strongly recommend that you encourage both Senate and Assembly officers attend the required DEI training on December 7th from 5-7 in order to stay in compliance with Redbook. Please send a list of those unable to attend to Jack/Hallie and CC me.

Furthermore, representatives should be attending all required meetings per Redbook:

(Section 2, Article 3-3.6),

3. To attend all required meetings including, but not necessarily limited to:

3.1. Committee Meetings to which they are assigned

3.2. All General Assembly meetings; 3.3. College Student Council meetings.

3.4. ASUU Orientation.

3.5. Assembly Training; and

3.6. The Assembly Rules Committee meetings, if applicable.

Since Diversity trainings are required in other sections of Redbook, this would apply to Assembly Representatives as well.