



November 16, 2023

Meeting Documents

Meeting Minutes

Associated Students of the University of Utah

2023-2024 ASUU Senate, Cycle #3

General Senate Meeting Minutes

November 16th, 2023 | 6:00pm | Union Pano East



  1. Call to Order
    1. Senate Chair will call the meeting to order to convene the General Senate session.


  1. Roll Call
    1. The Parliamentarian will take and document roll call in collaboration with the Secretary.


  • Land Acknowledgement

“We acknowledge that this land, which is named for the Ute Tribe, is the traditional and ancestral homeland of the Shoshone, Paiute, Goshute, and Ute Tribes. The University of Utah recognizes and respects the enduring relationship that exists between many Indigenous peoples and their traditional homelands. We respect the sovereign relationship between tribes, states, and the federal government, and we affirm the University of Utah’s commitment to a partnership with Native Nations and Urban Indian communities through research, education, and community outreach activities.”


  1. Approval of Meeting Minutes
    1. Approve the meeting minutes from General Senate Meeting Cycle #2
      1. General Senate Meeting Minutes 10.26.docx
      2. Mukai, Neff


  1. Public Forum
    1. Opportunity for members of the public (i.e. any non-Senate community members) to spend time talking with and/or presenting to the Senate.
      1. N/A


  1. General Announcements
    1. Time for any ASUU Senators to share any important announcements with the group.
      1. Chair Truax:
        1. This is our last General Senate Meeting until January 18th. Use these next two months to get some legislation done!
        2. If you did not attend the diversity training yesterday, reach out to me or Ethan ASAP so you can make it up. You will not be compensated for your role in ASUU until this is completed.
        3. Look out for messages from me about your progress on legislation, I want to know how I can support you!


  • Executive Committee Reports
    1. Members of the Senate Executive Committee will have time to share out updates from their areas (i.e. what they and their teams are working on.)
      1. Chair Truax
        1. Same things as last time. Firearm safety, library hours. Working with leadership in athletics to read land acknowledgment
      2. Vice Chair Israelsen
        1. Establishing my CSC, hoping to have the first ad hoc meeting for the CSC revamp next week or the week after. Hoping to redesign senate proceedings to make it more streamlined and cooler
  • Treasurer Neff
    1. 36,000, spent 5,957, 33,033
  1. Parliamentarian Ault
    1. HumCSC is doing a collab with Feed U just after Thanksgiving. CSC is running well
  2. Secretary Taylor
    1. Finishing up my joint bill on disability awareness, snow, and ramps with Rep. Johnson. Establishing social media within my CSC


  • Ex-Officio Reports
    1. Ex-Officio members of the Senate will have time to share out updates from their areas (i.e. what they and their teams are working on.)
      1. Academic Affairs Director Carson
        1. N/A
      2. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Director Estorpe
        1. EDI is slowing down to introduce FYC and creating a new handbook and wants to host a book drive and work with South Davis Hospital
  • Finance Director Subotic
    1. Travel committee and travel funding, FYC is joining in
  1. Vice President of University Relations Shewell
    1. Working on parking and transportation, dealing with university-related issues
      1. Turkman: What issues
        1. Balancing issues between groups on campus
      2. Attorney General Ho
        1. Hosted an event on Redbook and how to write legislation, was successful.


  1. Old Business
    1. Time updates on any legislation that was introduced during previous sessions.
      1. Senator Confirmation: Jada Easterly
      2. JR: Joint Resolution in Support of Campus Mental Health Facilities
        1. Last heard, it will be seen at the committee in charge when they meet
  • JR: Joint Resolution in Support of the University of Utah Prison Education Project
  1. JB 14: Bill to Update ASUU Redbook
  2. JB 15: Bill to Update ASUU Redbook
  3. JB 16: Bill to Update ASUU Redbook


  1. New Business
    1. Time to introduce all new legislation to the Senate floor.
      1. Confirmation: Ryan Penz – Concerts Vice Chair
        1. LOI: file:///C:/Users/Hanna/Downloads/Ryan%20Penz%20LOI.pdf
        2. Presentation:
          1. I want this job because college is hard and it is supposed to be the best years of your life. Concerts and events are great ways to create engagement and
          2. I want students to feel proud of their school
          3. I want to put in a lot of hard work and create a fun experience
        3. Questions:
          1. Turkman:
            1. How would you make a safe environment for everyone?
              1. I would work on getting the police force there and work and inform them of issues and what to look out for
            2. Neff:
              1. Who are your top 3 artists on Spotify
                1. Kid Cudi, Rihanna, and Drake
              2. Ault:
                1. After recent Redfest, do you think you’ll bring back similar artists
                  1. I envision bringing out bigger artist and helping to market it better
                2. Debate:
                  1. N/A
                3. Vote:
                  1. Yes 10
                  2. No 0
                  3. Abstain 0
                  4. Passes
                4. Confirmation: Nick Sundwall – Marketing Photographer
                  1. LOI:file:///C:/Users/Hanna/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.Office.Desktop_8wekyb3d8bbwe/AC/INetCache/Content.Outlook/I9TAD1BI/Nicholas%20Sundwall%20LOI.pdf
                  2. Presentation:
                    1. I like photography and to interact with people
                    2. Was introduced to ASUU by Ethan after Alternative Breaks
                    3. Wants to become more involved on campus and wants to combine interests
                  3. Questions:
                    1. Neff
                      1. Landscape or Portrait
                        1. Automotive
                      2. Ault
                        1. Do you planning on taking headshots when appointed
                          1. There is a hired photographer
                        2. Debate:
                          1. N/A
                        3. Vote:
                          1. Yes 10
                          2. No 0
                          3. Abstian 0
                          4. Passes
  • Brendon Mercado: Concerts Chair
    1. LOI: https://uofutah-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/u1293440_umail_utah_edu/EbURAEESfCBKjPmDMJC1xXABytmP1_7Kn-mH-Mk6XhCVfA?e=4gPgwy
    2. Presentation:
      1. Recently Vice Chair and wants to step up into concert chair
      2. Was very hands on as opposed to former
    3. Questions:
      1. Turkman:
        1. How would you make a safe environment for everyone?
          1. I would work on getting the police force there and work and inform them of issues and what to look out for and making a more serious security meeting prior
        2. Neff: Top 3
          1. Tie vedez, Zach Brian,
        3. Debate:
          1. Truax: I think he’s qualified
        4. Vote:
          1. Yes 9
          2. No 0
          3. Abstain 1
          4. Passes
        5. JR 03: Resolution in Support of Sustainable Waste Disposal
          1. JR 03 - Rep. Bond, Resolution in Support of Sustainable Waste Disposal (Cycle 2).docx
          2. Presentation:
            1. University wants to achieve carbon neutral
            2. University needs universal recycling
            3. Employees have to dip through the trash to recycle
            4. Support separated recycling
          3. Questions:
            1. Oleary:
              1. Do you talk to the sustainability office to facilitate
                1. Worked directly with sustainability
              2. Neff:
                1. Do you have an idea of what it will cost? Is there an amount you are wanting to implement
                  1. Asking for support rather than creating nd to create changes with people actually in charge
                  2. The study is ongoing
                  3. This is to continue to follow up
                2. Debate:
                  1. N/A
                3. Vote:
                  1. Yes 10
                  2. No 0
                  3. Abstain 0
                  4. Passes
                4. JB 02: Bill to Strike Redbook Bylaws, Article V, Section 3, Clause 1, Line 1.8
                  1. JB - Rep. Bond, Sen. Ault, Redbook (Cycle 3).pdf
                  2. Presentation:
                    1. Would remove presidency term limits
                    2. Would encourage governmental stability
                    3. Went through multiple universities and there is not specific reason for it
                    4. POST AMENDMENT
                    5. Changed to match recently passed bill
                  3. Questions:
                    1. Neff:
                      1. This just strikes out the policy, Are there going to be any term limits? Table for tonight? There no reason to pass since we just made a bunch of Redbook changes.
                        1. There could be more implementation
                        2. Amendment?
                        3. Cannot be pushed back
                      2. Turkman
                        1. What is the point of amendment? PA Would this be clunky language for the future
                          1. I am willing to change it as Neff suggested
                          2. Only change a few words
                          3. Adding 2 years instead of one, meant to reflect federal
                          4. PA Thomas, reflects the current Redbook.
                        2. Debate:
                          1. Oleary
                            1. I do support the amendment due to our model of the federal government, and term limits
                            2. The goal is to simplify, but we want to give people the option.
                          2. Neff
                            1. Motion to table to new business
                            2. PA: There is a difference between term limits and no limits
                          3. Turkman: What's the point of this where originally said no term limits to adding another rule. Concern is that in the future that people will. This is a problem in the real world hence why it is brought up
                            1. Truax: We did approve to amend. Future amendments have the right to change it if they would like
                          4. Taylor: I think that this gives more freedom and option to run further
                          5. Watrin: I think its just as understandable as no term limits
                          6. Ault: spoke to previous senators and is meant to address hypothetical
                        3. Vote:
                          1. Yes: 7
                          2. No 1
                          3. Abstain 0
                          4. Passes
                        4. JB 03: Bill to Strike Redbook Bylaws, Article IV, Section 6, Clause 13
                          1. JB - Legislation against Clause 13 (RD) (1).pdf
                          2. Presentation:
                            1. Includes umbrella organizations to receive funding as RSOs
                            2. Strikes the clause from Redbook
                            3. Would ensures outside funding before no matter what as it already done in assembly
                          3. Questions:
                            1. Williams
                              1. Will you give examples of precedence?
                                1. There are many organizations, Redbook correctly does not let them get funding. Organizations got funding anyways before striking this
                              2. Bond
                                1. We were able to give funding to an organization to go to a job fair
                              3. Neff:
                                1. Why do you think this was put there in the first place? We just passed a bunch of Redbook, was this effected?
                                  1. When red book was written, being under an umbrella was a good indication of funding, but that is no longer the case.
                                  2. It did but we are looking for full removal, amendment would be pointless
                                2. Debate:
                                  1. N/A
                                3. Vote:
                                  1. Yes 8
                                  2. No 0
                                  3. Abstain 0
                                  4. Passes
  • JB 17: Bill to Update ASUU Redbook
    1. JB 17 Thomas_Lucas.docx
    2. Presentation:
      1. Rewording of Redbook and clarification of roles
    3. Questions:
      1. Oleary:
        1. The only main change is that it has to be presented in front of the Senate instead of appointed
          1. Correct
        2. Debate:
          1. N/A
        3. Vote:
          1. Yes: 10
          2. No 0
          3. Abstain 0
          4. Passes
  • JB 18: Bill to Update ASUU Redbook
    1. JB 18 Thomas_Lucas.docx
    2. Presentation:
      1. Rewording of Redbook to make it easier to read
      2. Clause was taken out because of confusion in Assembly
      3. Getting rid of stuff that is no longer relevant
    3. Questions:
      1. N/A
    4. Debate:
      1. N/A
    5. Vote:
      1. Yes 9
      2. No 0
      3. Abstain 0
      4. Passes
    6. JB 19: Bill to Update ASUU Redbook
      1. JB 19 Thomas_Lucas.docx
      2. Presentation:
        1. Clarifying roles of supreme court and changes to advertising
        2. Striking GPA for senate
      3. Questions:
        1. Ho: there are contradictory bills
          1. WE would rather pass this one and deal with the others later
        2. Debate:
          1. N/A
        3. Vote:
          1. Yes: 9
          2. No: 0
          3. Abstain: 0
          4. Passes


  1. Senatorial Forum
    1. Time for Senators to share out with the group regarding any initiatives, programs, or projects of interest. This is a great opportunity to recruit fellow Senators for support.
    2. During this time, we will have all senators share out the progress of what they are working on currently. If senators have a proxy present on their behalf, the proxy will share the information that has been given to them by the senator.
      1. Senator Easterly
        1. Talking to professors to understand changes in college.
      2. Senator Garcia
        1. Not Here
  • Senator Kisielewski – Proxy McKell Ferry
    1. No updates
  1. Senator Lucas – Proxy Ayse Turkman
    1. No updates
  2. Senator Mukai
    1. Have been doing school wide and individual class elections over the past month and a half or so and finally just finished the D1 (1st year students) class president elections last week. working on getting bus transport for dental students doing rotations at farther off-site clinics (mainly St. George), Sent students to ASDA conference in Seattle about 2 weeks ago.
  3. Senator Roelofs
    1. Missing
  • Senator Romney
    1. Developing CSC and selecting chairs in CoSci and committees, getting ready to write bills for poster printers in school. Creating more resources for students.
      1. Oleary: How much does it cost to print the poster?
        1. It’s about $40-50, we would want to make it free
      2. Turkman: support fizzled out in the past, might have to include sustainability
  • Senator Steele – Proxy Terry Kim
    1. Three budget proposals, begin working towards bills in CSC
  1. Senator Watrin
    1. CSC is a bit harder for Undergraduate Studies
  2. Senator Williams
    1. Ping pong tournament with SBA, and working on a bill for Gala, mental health support for finals.
  3. Senator Woychick
    1. I’m currently working with the CSC co-presidents on ways we can utilize the ASUU funds. Last year the College of Nursing hosted a prom, but I don’t think we have a big enough budget for that this year. We are thinking of hosting a similar event to celebrate the nursing students at the end of the year, but we are still working on the basic logistics.
  • Foley: Elections filing is happening, so be sure to file.


  • Adjournment

8:00 pm

Ault motions, Watrin seconds